What's your HR strategy?

These are basic, foundational processes and systems that need to be in place for your business to produce its products and services. And, before you can grow or further develop your workforce and business, these elements need to be solid.

Think about it: What happens when you build a house on a shoddy foundation? Walls crack. Pipes leak. So instead of building that extra room or upgrading your appliances, you spend all your time and money fixing the problems caused by the flimsy foundation.

Same is true for your HR. If you're miscalculating wages or not paying employees on time, you're not going to retain your people. You'll spend your time and money recruiting, hiring and training replacements, instead of developing the good ones you had.

But if you think shoring up your company's tactical HR functions will put you on the road to long-term success, think again. Remember, tactical HR tasks are the basic functions a business needs to execute to keep its doors open and its workforce employed.

Key Takeaways

About This Report

As a leader, it's your responsibility to nurture and develop your employees. You'll need to identify and encourage the behaviors and principles that will help your employees and company be successful.

Think about team members on an individual basis. What are their roles on your team? What are their specific duties? What do you expect from them in the short and long term?

One study found that 46% of all new hires fail within their first 18 months, according to Leadership IQ. Of those, 89% fail because of a poor personality fit - not skills.

About the Publisher

Published by INSPERITY
A company with a track record of excellence Since 1986, Insperity has been showing companies how to harness the power of human resources to improve business success. Offering an array of HR services and technology to help you minimize risk and maximize profitability, we started as a two-person business and have since grown into a public company with offices across the country.

Publish Date

November 2021