
Employee Retention Process - Lessons We Can Learn From Happily Married Couples - Part 1

Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Rewards and Recognition

For me, weekends are a time to reflect upon my thoughts and be creative. Last weekend wasn’t any different. A bizarre thought crossed my mind that there was a connection between “Employee Retention” and “Successful Marriage.” At first, I thought that people might ridicule my idea but a second thought urged me to give it a try.  Let me ask you few questions - 

  1. Who is responsible for retaining “high performing employees”? Is it the responsibility of the Functional Head, The HR or the Management tea m of the Organization?
  2. When does the recruitment process start?
  3. Who is responsible for the successful marriage? Is it the responsibility of the Couple, Parents of Couple or the Society as a whole?

 Do you know, "Retention Process" is related to "Successful Marriage"? Employees are like bride-grooms who have been sourced through different channelssources; such as job portals, employee reference, networking, recruitment consultants, campus-hiring, headhunting, etc. In a case of marriage, these roles are played by matrimonial websites, references by matchmakers; common friends; came in sight in some event or function, etc. 

Sourcing and Selecting the Candidate - Wooing the Girl

Retention doesn't start from the day an employee joins the organization. It starts from the day when a candidate is approached for a prospective job opportunity. 

  1. The way you carry the interview
  2. The practices and processes you follow to interview candidates
  3. The selection tools that you use
  4. The communication processes that you adopt to interact with the candidate
  5. The steps involved in the selection process
  6. Duration of waiting period of the candidate
  7. Time you take to issue the offer letter
  8. Hassles and problems you create to give the offer and appointment letter
  9. The credibility of the information that you have provided to the candidate at the time of interview about the company and about the job.
  10. You need to project toconvince the candidate the factors that make your business stand out from others. What is your competitive edge? What type of future or growth the candidate will be entitled to if he decides to join your company?

 Each of these factors determines the length of duration this person will stay with your organization.

So, you need to adopt the same process and practices as you do to woo a girl. Be prepared. Be at your best. Present a real, true picture of the company. Share the growth prospects and growth plans. Always be on time, maintain your commitment, start the interview on time, don't let the candidate wait and if you are late, say sorry. There should be fewer or no hassles.

The same way as youneed to convince your partner, how are you different from other boys or girls? What type of future awaits that person if he/she decides to marry you?

Orientation and Induction - Your Engagement

Once your quarry agrees to your proposal, you get engaged with her/him.

After sourcing and selection process the next important thing that might affect the "Retention Process" is the Orientation Process (It continues for 30 days). Remember, you are still in courtship.

  1. The way you welcome your new employee.
  2. The way his team members treat him.
  3. The information you provide to him.
  4. Interaction with Leadership Team
  5. Setting clear expectations.
  6. Criteria to measure the performance.
  7. In brief, job description, KRA's; Performance Criteria; Performance Management System; Performance Evaluation; Reward System; Career Planning

In total, the comfort level that you extend to this person.

Just like your engagement, where it is important to decide as what is expected of each other.

  1. If both will be able to stay together and work things out.
  2. If both are working then how will they share the household responsibilities; who will take care of cooking, cleaning, washing; who will take care of kids, their homework, their school commitments, who will keep the track of their growth in school; who will take care of grocery and other day-to-day expenses; who will make decisions related to other investments, house, car, holidays etc.
  3. What is expected and what are the things to be avoided?
  4. If both are working then they should not have any other commitment for the weekend.
    If they will be staying in a joint family or separately

(I think, usually, these are things we ponder upon.)

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